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Evaluation levels of countries (self-choice levels)

A = Austrian wind music catalogue

A1: level A
A2: level B
A3: level C
A4: level D
A5: level E

C = Swiss self-choice pieces

C1: 4th class
C2: 3rd class
C3: 2nd class
C4: 1st class
C5: highest class

D = German evaluation pieces

D1: entry level
D2: lower level
D3: medium level
D4: upper level
D5: highest level
D6: highest class

CISM = Self-choice pieces of Bohemian-Moravian wind music

C: intermediate level (moderately difficult)
B: upper level (difficult)
A: highest level (very difficult)

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2023-10-12 Now I reign – Bruckner on the 200th anniversary of his Birthday - clicca qui

2024-03-29 Molenaar from A to W or 1 to 6 - clicca qui

2024-03-27 Barbie and the song Dance the Night - clicca qui
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