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Notenblätter/PartiturenIhre Suchkriterien: Datenbank Notenblätter/Partituren, Besetzungsart/Infos Tba
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18 Folksongs 2Tba |
Welte, Peter; u.a. |
4109848 |
5 Temperamente, Die SATBarB; Tmp |
Bitzan, Wendelin |
3067901 |
Amarus (Cantata) (1897/1906) 2+1,2+1,2+1,2+1--4,2,3,1,Tmp,perc,hp,str,soli TBar in set,m |
Janácek, Leos |
3018609 |
Aroldo Act II - Duetto e Quartetto: Era vero? ..ah no..e imppossible (1857) SymO; VocSoli, PrtStm |
Verdi, Giuseppe |
3018711 |
As I Was A Walking fm 'Five folk songs' Chor; acap, download |
Sommereyns, Gwendolyn |
3 |
3139498 |
Auferstehungshistorie Fav SSSATTBarB, Coro SATB/SATB, 4 BVga, Org, StPrt |
Schütz, Heinrich |
Horn, Paul |
3216701 |
Autumn Comes fm 'Five folk songs' Chor; acap, download |
Sommereyns, Gwendolyn |
3 |
3139433 |
Become Ocean SymO |
Adams, John Luther |
42:00 |
4076370 |
Besame Mucho (Percussion Ensemble) Perc |
Velázquez, Consuelo |
Mennens; u.a. |
8930010 |
Candlelight Carol (How do you capture the wind on the water?) gemCh (SATBar), Org |
Rutter, John |
9991746 |
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